FS15 – Hobbs Çiftlik Haritası V4

Farming Simulator 2015 Yeni Harita yamasıdır.

Bu Mod Henüz Test Edilmedi.


Map by Lobezno Edit By Hobgoblin and Keith Price (who also added chopped straw and more) with thanks to Mater for showing me the basics of map editing and all others who offered encouragement and ideas. The map was play tested by a great team of guys. Massive thanks to: Mark Steeves, Charlie Kay, Adam Lewis, Jeramy Brun, Ben Phil Lambert, Kenny Z-Kendog McCollough, Matt Hersh, Thomas H Junker, Hette Kloosterman, Todd Gaffney, Patrick VH, Terry Sutton, Kraft Farms, Lee Haymonds, Marc TownTerrierfm Slater and everyone else in the Hobbs Farm Facebook Group Apologies if I missed anyone

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